Fillets of Soles a la Rouennaise

Thumbnail of Fillets of Soles a la Rouennaise recipe

For this purpose the thin pellicle or under-skin must be removed from the fillets by pressing gently, yet firmly, with the fingers of the left hand, while with the right hand the knife must be run through between the thin skin and the fillet of the fish, so as to remove the skin without cutting the fillet through, or in any way injuring it; and when this is accomplished, spread the fillets out to their full length, and cover them thinly with a coating of forcemeat whiting, in which there has been mixed some lobster-spawn to give it a red colour; and then, folding the fillets together, place them symmetrically with the pointed ends all converging to the centre of the sautapan containing some clarified butter; season with pepper and salt; sprinkle lightly some chopped parsley over the fillets; place a small stewpan lid in the centre of the sautapan to press the ends of the fillets, in order to prevent them from spreading open while they are being cooked in the oven; this will take about twenty minutes, and when done, dish up the fillets like cutlets, pour in the centre and round their base some white matelotte sauce, No. 87, and serve.

This is a very handsome dressed fish.

No. 245