Fillets of Turbot

Thumbnail of Fillets of Turbot recipe

A small turbot may be purchased for this purpose; and after cutting out the fleshy parts from the four divisions intervening between the fins and the backbone, divide these into square oblong pieces, and place them neatly in a sautapan with two ounces of dissolved butter, pepper, salt, and lemon-juice; set them in the oven to bake for ten minutes, or over, the fire; in the latter case, the fillets must be turned over to admit of their being done on both sides.

The fillets, after being drained on a napkin, must be dished up similarly to cutlets, and sauced over with either of the following sauces: viz.,—maitre-d'hotel, Dutch sauce, ravigotte, Italian, Indian, lobster, shrimp, oyster, muscle, &c; each kind of sauce affording a variety, as well as being suitable to convenience.

No. 197