Turbot a la Parisienne

Thumbnail of Turbot a la Parisienne recipe

Remove the backbone from a small turbot, and stuff it with forcemeat of whiting, No. 186; then place it on a sautapan or baking-sheet previously spread with au ounce of butter; moisten, with mushroom juice, a couple of glasses of white wine, and some oyster liquor, if handy; season with a little pepper and salt, put an ounce of butter in bits all over the fish, and set it in the oven to bake, basting it frequently with its own liquor; and when done through, remove the turbot on to its dish carefully with a fish-slice, and keep it hot while you prepare the following sauce: viz.,—first, dissolve two ounces of butter in a stewpan over the fire; add two ounces of flour, mix together, moisten with the liquor from the turbot, season with nutmeg, cayenne, lemon-juice, a little anchovy and a glass of sherry; stir over the fire for ten minutes; then mix in a leason of four yolks of eggs, and a gill of cream, some picked prawns, button mushrooms, and scalded and bearded oysters, and a piece of lobster-butter, make the sauce hot without boiling; pour it over the turbot, and serve.

Note.—When you happen to have some good white sauce ready, it will be necessary only to boil down the liquor from the fish, and add it to the sauce with the garnish.

No. 192