Anchovy Canapes

Thumbnail of Anchovy Canapes recipe

Procure a number of farthing rolls (any baker will make them to order).

Cut these rolls into equal halves, scoope out all the crumb, and place the crusts to dry in the screen.

Meanwhile chop fine;—hard-boiled eggs in quantity sufficient for the number of canapees to be filled; chop also some tarragon, chervil, and chives; and prepare some fillets or strippets of cleaned anchovies.

Put the chopped eggs and herbs into a basin, season with salad-oil and tarragon vinegar, pepper and salt; mix together, and with this fill up the prepared crusts; ornament them by placing the fillets of anchovies over their surface in the fashion of lattice-work; dish up the canapees on a napkin.

No. 335