Boiled Leg of Pork

Thumbnail of Boiled Leg of Pork recipe

Saw off the shank-bone from a pickled leg of dairy-fed pork, and put it on to boil in cold water, with the carrots, turnips, and parsnips intended to be served with it, and also a quart of split peas previously washed and soaked over night for the purpose; let the peas be tied up loosely in a napkin, and put in the pot to boil with the pork. A leg of pork weighing about six pounds would require about two hours gentle boiling. When the pork is done, take it up on to its dish, garnish it round with the carrots, turnips, and parsnips, cut into neat shapes; pour some gravy over the pork, and serve the peas-pudding on a separate dish.

Note.—If the peas for the pudding are put on to boil at the same time as the pork, they will be done in about an hour and a half. They are then to be taken out of the napkin, rubbed through a wire sieve or colander, mixed witli a pat of butter, three yolks of eggs, nutmeg, pepper, and salt, and tied up as any other pudding, in a napkin previously well buttered and floured; and again placed in the pot with the pork, to continue boiling until the pork is done.

No. 439