Iced Sponges

Thumbnail of Iced Sponges recipe

Put four ounces of sifted sugar into a large basin with eight yolks of eggs, three ounces of flour, and a few drops of essence of orange or lemon; work all together vigorously with a spattle (see Adams' Illustrations) for ten minutes, and then add six whites whipped firm; mix thoroughly, and bake this batter (moderate heat) in a paper-case of such dimensions as will admit of the cake being an inch thick. When the sponge is withdrawn from the oven and has become cold, remove the paper, cut the cake into squares, fingers, rounds, lozenges, or any other form; place these on a baking-sheet, and after spreading some preserve on their surface, ice them over with royal icing, No. 746; dry them in the open screen, and use them for dessert.

No. 903