Buttered Eggs with Truffles

Thumbnail of Buttered Eggs with Truffles recipe

Break six new-laid eggs into a stewpan; to those add two ounces of fresh butter, one ounce of truffles (cut up in very small dice, and simmered in a little butter); half a gill of cream, a little nutmeg, mignionette-pepper and salt; stir this quickly with a wooden spoon over the stove-fire until the eggs, &c, begin to thicken; then the stewpan must be withdrawn: continue to work the eggs with a spoon, observing that, although they must not be allowed to become hard (as in that case the preparation would be curdled and rendered unsightly), yet, they must be sufficiently set so as to be fit to be dished up. To effect this, it is necessary to stick the croutons or sippets round the inner circle of the dish, with a little flour and white-of-egg paste; dish up the eggs in the centre of these, and serve.

No. 710