Omelet with Fine-Herbs

Thumbnail of Omelet with Fine-Herbs recipe

Break three eggs in a basin; to these add a spoonful of cream, a small pat of butter broken in small pieces, a little chopped parsley and shalot, some pepper and salt; then put two ounces of fresh butter in an omelet pan (see Adams' Illustrations) on the stove-fire. While the butter is melting, whip the eggs, &c, well together until they become frothy; as soon as the butter begins to fritter, pour the eggs into the pan, and stir the omelet; as the eggs appear to set, and become firm, roll the omelet into the form of an oval cushion; allow it to acquire a golden colour on one side over the fire, and then turn it out on its dish; pour a little thin sauce, or gravy or half-glaze, under it, and serve.

No. 711