Bills of Fare for December french

Dinner for 14 Persons

2 Soups.
Puree of grouse.

2 Fishes
Baked pike with piquante sauce.
Whitings a la maitre-d'hotel.

2 Removes.
Capon a la Perigueux.
Roasted ham, Madiera sauce.

4 Entrees.
Cutlets of partridges a la Marechale.
Escalopes of fat livers with fine-herbs.
Boudins of fowl a la Lucullus.
Sweetbreads larded, with endives.

2 Roasts

2 Removes.
Flemish gauffres.
Vol-au-vent of fruit, with iced cream.

6 Entremets.
Potatoes a la Duchess.
Brussels sprouts au gratin.
Bavarian raspberry cream.
Timbale of nouilles a la vanille..
Calf's jelly with grapes.
Florentines with greengage jam..