Oyster Croquets

Thumbnail of Oyster Croquets recipe

Scald and beard two dozen oysters, cut each oyster into about four or six pieces, and set these aside on a plate.

Next, with their liquor make some oyster sauce as in No. 43; reduce the sauce by boiling down over the fire—stirring it the while to give it consistency; add a bit of glaze and three yolks of eggs, a little cayenne, lemon-juice, and anchovy; and having stirred the sauce again over the fire to set the eggs, add the cut-up oysters; stir these in to mix them with the sauce, and make the oysters hot through, for unless this precaution is duly attended to, the composition is likely to decompose, which circumstance renders it difficult to handle while moulding the croquets; for finishing these, see No. 315.

Note.—Croquets may also bo prepared with shrimps, prawns, sweetbreads, ox-palates, fat livers, &c.

No. 318