Braize and press an ox-cheek as directed in No. 393; then cut it into oblong pieces measuring about two and half inches long by one inch and a half wide, trim away the corners and asperities so as to shape them neatly, and place them in order in a sautapan, with some of the stock they have been braized in, and. which has been clarified, and boiled down to the consistancy of half-glaze; use the remainder of this half-glaze either as a sauce for the entree, or else let it be incorporated with the sauce intended for the dish, such as piquante, poivrade, tomata, Financiere, &c. The pieces of ox-cheek, when hot, are to be dished up similarly to cutlets, the centre garnished with one of the variety of dressed vegetables recommended to be served with ox-tongues; the sauce poured over and round the scollops, and served either as a remove dish or an entree, as may best suit convenience.