Remove the fillets from three or four partridges; truss the carcasses in exactly the same way as though they had not been deprived of their fillets; braize them, carefully avoiding to break or disturb the natural position of their legs; and when done, set them to become cold in their own stock. Meanwhile, prepare some quenelle forcemeat, No. 185, using the fillets of partridges for the purpose; and when finished, use this to fill up the vacuity occasioned by the removal of the fillets, so as to admit of the partridges resuming their natural shape: their surface must be smoothed over with a knife dipped in hot water; and, after being very gently painted all over with slightly-beaten white of egg, the forcemeat breasts are to be decorated with black truffle, or red tongue cut in thin slices and stamped out with tin cutters, in the shape of leaves, lozenges, dots, rings, &c, and placed and arranged in the form of wreaths, sprigs of plants, mosaics, or any other fanciful designs. And when this has been accomplished, place the partridges in a deep fricandeau-pan, with just enough stock to reach up to the commencement of the forcemeat; put a buttered paper lightly on the breasts of the partridges, and set them to simmer very gently by the side of the fire, remembering that the stock used for poaching the birds must be poured in at the side of the pan boiling hot, so as to set the outer part at once. About twenty minutes' simmering will suffice to cook them; and when done, they must be dished up, garnished with cocks' combs, button mushrooms, truffles, and small quenelles; and some Allemande sauce, No. 17, finished or made with the stock the carcasses were braized in, is to be poured round, without masking the decoration.
Note.—All kinds of game may be prepared as above.