The snipes shot in Ireland are the finest flavoured known, and are or were prepared in a very simple yet excellent fashion, which renders them a great delicacy for the breakfast-table. In order to enable you to indulge in this delectable bonne-bouche, I will at once furnish you with the necessary instructions to solve the mystery and gratify your longing.
The snipes intended to be used for this purpose must be perfectly fresh. After being plucked, their legs and wings are to be cut off; merely remove the gizzard with the point of a knife, leaving all the inside or trail undisturbed; the snipes should be split in halves, and placed on a dish. Next, take what is called an earthenware oval pie-pan, such as is commonly used for potting meats, &.C.; line the bottom and sides of this with very thin layers of fat bacon; arrange therein the prepared snipes in neat rows; season between each row with coarsely ground black pepper and salt; and when the pan is nearly filled, pour in sufficient clarified fresh butter to cover the surface of the snipes; put the lid of the pan on; lute all round the edge of the pan with slack flour-and-water paste to confine the steam which arises from the snipes, &c, while baking, and which, by being thus prevented from escaping entirely, not only improves, the flavour of the pie by condensation, but also tends to dissolve the bones sufficiently to render them edible: there being a hole on the top of the lid, it acts as a safety-valve. These pies must be baked in an oven of moderate heat, and are intended to be eaten when quite cold only.
Note.—Woodcocks, fieldfares, plovers, young pheasants, partridges, or grouse, larks, wheatears, and especially ortolans and becaficos, are most excellent when dressed as indicated in this number.