Split and bone a couple of calf s feet, and parboil them in water for ten minutes; they are then to be placed in a stewpan with half a pound of raw ham or gammon of bacon, and a pound of knuckle of veal, two carrots cut in equal shapes and sizes, six or eight onions, four cloves, a garnished faggot of parsley, a wineglass of mushroom catsup, pepper and salt; moisten with a quart of broth or water; put the lid on, and set the feet, &c, to stew very slowly indeed by the side of the fire for about two hours and a half, taking care to turn the meat, &c, over occasionally, in. order that the whole may become gradually glazed all over alike: care must be taken while the feet, &c, are stewing, that by the time they are done, the stock or liquor should be allowed gradually to boil down to the quantity required for saucing the dish; and when all is done quite soft and tender, dish up the whole of the meats with the vegetables round them; pour the gravy over all, and serve.