Cut the liver in slices about a quarter of an inch thick, and cut also some streaky bacon into small thin slices, or, as they are familiarly termed, rashers; fry the bacon first, and drain it on a plate; next, after having floured the pieces of liver, fry these also in the fat from the bacon, and when browned on both sides, dish up the liver and bacon in a circular row, placing a piece of each alternately: drain off the fat from the pan in which the liver has been fried; shake in a little flour; add a wineglassful of catsup, a little pepper and salt, and half a gill of stock or water; stir altogether over the fire, until the sauce boils, and pour it over the dished-up liver and bacon.
Note.—A few sliced gherkins, mushrooms, pickled walnuts, or even mixed pickles, may be added to the sauce.