Any remains of dressed poultry, game, or wild fowl serve for this purpose. They should he cut up neatly in members or joints without waste, seasoned with popper and salt, with a tablespoonful of flour shaken all over- them, and put, aside on a plate; chop fine about two tablespoonfuls of Piccalilla (Crosse and Black-well's) and four shalots, and put these in a stewpan with a glass of mushroom catsup, and an equal quantity of the liquor from the Piccalilla; boil down until reduced to half the original quantity, then add the pieces of fowl, or whatever the meat may consist of, a glass of sherry, and a gill of gravy; boil gently fol a quarter of an hour, and serve. Olives, button mushrooms, or truffles, may be added.