Take out the fillets of two partridges; and, having removed the thin skin which covers them, let them be simmered in a sautapan with a little butter, pepper and salt, until they are become set firm without being quite done thorough; they are then to be masked all over on both sides with D'Uxelles sauce, No 75, and as soon as the sauce has become set quite firm on the fillets, they should be egged and crumbed, and placed carefully in a wire frying-basket, to be fried in hot lard: as soon as they have acquired a light-brown colour, dish them up in a circle; garnish with small quenelles made with the meat from the legs of the partridges, No. 185, and pour round the base of the entree some salmis sauce, No 68, made from the carcasses.
Note.—The fillets of chickens, pigeons, or any kind of game may be advantageously dressed in the same way.