Ingredients:—Six eggs, eight ounces of pounded sugar, five ounces of flour, some orange or lemon-sugar for flavouring, a pinch of salt, and six ounces of chopped almonds.
First, divide the yolks from the whites of the six eggs, placing the white in an egg-bowl and the yolks in a basin; add the sugar, the flavouring, and the salt to the yolks, and with a wooden spoon continue working them until they present the appearance of a rather stiff, creamy batter. Then add half the flour, and when this has been well mixed in, let the six whites, previously whipped firm, be also lightly mixed in, together with the remainder of the flour, taking care to keep the batter as firm and as light as possible.
You. now fill a biscuit-forcer with some of the batter, and then proceed to gently force out the batter on to baking-sheets (previously buttered and floured for the purpose), in round or oval shapes, twice the size of a fiveshilling-piece; and when the whole of the batter is used up in this manner, let the chopped almonds be equally strewn over the biscuits, and after some sugar has been shaken over their surface with a dredger-box, they must be baked of a very light colour in a rather slack 'oven. These cakes are most appropriate for dessert; but when made of the size of a fiveshilling-piece, by first spreading any kind of fruit or jam on the under part, and sticking two of them together, they may be neatly served up for a second-course dish, with some whipped cream in the centre.