Ingredients required:—Three-quarters of a pound of ripe filberts and six ounces of pounded sugar.
Scald the nuts; remove the skin; then split each kernel in four—lengthwise, and put them to dry on a baking-sheet in the oven; meanwhile stir the sugar in the boiler over the fire in the usual manner; and as soon as it is ready, mix in the above; have half a dozen small dariole-moulds ready oiled inside; put some of the nougat into each of the moulds, and use a small stick made of hard wood, half an inch in diameter, to work the nougat up the sides or into the flutes of the moulds; pare away all that may rise above the edge of the moulds, and then turn them out on to a baking-sheet; about eighteen will suffice for a dish. Several persons should assist in moulding these nougats, in order to insure their all being of one colour; otherwise, from being frequently obliged to warm the nougat, it is liable to become dark. When about to send these nougats to table, each should be filled with some whipped cream flavoured with vanilla or maraschino, and a few strawberries (when in season) placed on the top; dish them up neatly in pyramidal form on a napkin.