Peel the apples, remove the cores, cut them in slices or quarters, and arrange them neatly in the pie-dish; then add the quince, which must be sliced thin and stewed with a little water, sugar, and a bit of butter, in a small stewpan over a slow fire; add sugar enough to sweeten the quantity of apples required for the tart, and some grated lemon-peel; cover the tart with puff-paste, first placing a band of paste upon the wetted edge of the dish, and then, after wetting the band, place the cover upon its place, and having pressed it down all round, cut the edge evenly all round, scollop it with the back of a knife; decorate the top with leaves of' paste; egg it over and bake it; and when done, dredge it over with sugar, and salamander it.