Give seven turns to half a pound of puff-paste, and roll it out to the thickness of the sixth of an inch; then stamp out twenty circular pieces with a fluted cutter, about an inch and a half in diameter, and after wetting each of them with a paste-brush dipped in water, fold them up, at the same time pressing the two parts of the paste slightly, so as to cause them to adhere closely together. They must then be placed on a baking-sheet in rows, egged over, and baked of a bright-light colour; just before they are done, some fine sugar should be shaken over with a dredger, and they must then be put back again in the oven for a little while to melt the sugar; pass the red-hot salamander over, and withdraw them. Previously to serving this kind of pastry, a broad strip of red-currant, or apple jelly, should be placed across the centre.