A pint of syrup, a pint of pine-apple syrup, half a pint of green tea, the rind of two oranges rubbed on sugar and scraped off, a teaspoonful of essence of cinnamon, and a bottle of champagne. Freeze the punch in the same manner as you would any other ice, taking care to work it well with the spattle while it is being frozen; and when quite firm, add by degrees, and in email quantities at a time, three whites of eggs of Italian meringue-paste; working the whole vigorously with the spattle; and, ten minutes before serving the punch, add by degrees half a pint of old white Jamaica rum. The Roman punch is to be served in high glasses between the first and second courses; it should be of a thick creamy liquid; but if it happen to be too thick to admit of its being poured into the glasses, it may be slightly thinned by the addition of a little more champagne.