Prepare some apple marmalade with about a dozen apples. Split also a dozen apples into halves; peel them, and remove the cores; and then place them in a deep sautapan thickly spread with butter; shake some sugar and grated lemon-peel over them, and bake them in the oven.

Apples Meringues a la Portugaise
Prepare next a small quantity of pastry-custard (No. 790), also an ornamented case (No. 519), which should be partially baked. When the foregoing articles are ready, nearly fill the case with the marmalade of apples, leaving an opening or well in the centre; then pile the pieces of apples upon the marmalade in the form of a dome, leaving the centre hollow; fill this with the pastry-custard, and cover the whole with some orange-marmalade.
Next, whip four whites of eggs quite firm; mix in four ounces of sifted sugar, and use this meringue-paste to finish the apples, according to the design placed at the head of this article: this is done by first masking over the entire surface of the dome formed by the apples with a smooth coating of the prepared whites of eggs, and then with a paper-comet, filled with some of the same, marking out the design.
When this has been effected, shake some sifted sugar upon it, and bake the meringue of a very light-fawn colour. Just before sending this cntremet to table, finish ornamenting it by filling up the inner part of the cross with alternate stripes or layers of red currant and apple jellies, and also with greengage or apricot jam: these must be arranged so as to show their colours distinctly, which will produce a very pretty effect. This entremet should be served hot.