Make half a pound of tart-paste (No. 953); roll it out rather thin, then stamp out twenty circular flats, with a fluted cutter suited to the size of the tartlets, and use them to line the moulds; fill each tartlet with a spoonful of apple marmalade; cover them in with a mosaic* of paste, egg them over, place them on a baking-sheet, and bake them of a light colour; when done, shake some fine sugar over them, and use the red-hot salamander to give them a glossy appearance.
* Mosaic-boards for tartlets may be had, of all sizes and patterns, at any turner's shop. To cut out impressions from these it is necessary to use small circular flats of raised pie-paste, which must be placed on the board, and pressed into the design, by rolling it with a paste-pin; the superfluous paste must then be cut or shaved away, and the mosaic of paste that remains in the design shaken out of the board.