Iced Fruits for Compotes

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Any fruits—such as small bunches of grapes, red, white, or black currants, gooseberries, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, or mulberries, have a very pretty effect when iced over with sifted sugar, according to the following directions: viz.,—remember that for this purpose none but perfect fruit should be selected; next, whip the white of an egg and a wineglass of water on a plate with the blade of a clean knife, until both are well frothed and mixed; then add a dessert-spoonful of icing sugar; and when all is thoroughly incorporated, strain it through a sieve into another plate. The fruit must be dipped separately in this egg-water, well shaken to remove any excess of moisture, and carefully rolled in hot sifted white sugar, and then placed in rows on a wire sieve to dry in the open screen. These fruits dished up on green leaves in a compotier, or arranged in varieties on dress plates, present a cool, charining appearance on the dessert-table,

No. 915