Love's Wells

Thumbnail of Love's Wells recipe

Prepare half a pound of Genoese or pound-cake, which must be baked about an inch thick. When cold, it is to be cut out with round, oval, crescent, or leaf-shaped cutters, and these must be again stamped on the upper surface with a smaller cutter, so as to make an incision about a quarter of an inch deep; this inner piece must be removed and the cake hollowed out, and nearly filled with whipped cream flavoured with vanilla, orange, &c, and the top covered in by spreading some kind of preserve lightly over the cream, by means of a cornet, or biscuit-forcer; this completed, let the cakes be iced over entirely—with any kind of transparent icing indicated in the preceding case, or, merely with ordinary icing made with white of egg, and fine icing sugar.

No. 914