Index - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Sauce, mayonaise 37 Savoury trifles 325
—, muscle 42 Schpeischlitz, German 355
—, mushroom 66 Scolloped cockles 287
—, mustard 53 lobster 285
—, Neapolitan 59 muscles 284
—, onion 55 oysters 283
—, orange 100 Scollops of meat or fish 312
—, parsley 48 Scotch bread 747
—, Perigueux 67 broth 156
—, piquante 22 collops 563
—, plum 94 haggis 438
—, poivrade 19 Seakale a la sauce 706B
—, poor-man's 61 Seasoning, aromatic, herbaceous 948
—, port wine, for wild fowl 46 veal 294
—, Poulette 36 Second course roasts 652
—, Prince of Wales' 81 Stocks or broths, economy of 14
—, Provencale 69 Seed-cake, plain 748
—, raspberry 96 Shalot, gravy 64
—, ravigote 34 Sharp sauce 27
—, reform 28 Sheep's heads gallimaufried 423
—, Richelieu 63 kidneys a 1'epicurean 558
—, Robert 35 kidneys with fine-herbs 559
—, Russian 92 kidneys stewed 557
—, Salmis 68 trotters 560
—, sharp 27 Sherry-cobbler 1017
—, shrimp 41 granito 1039
—, Soubise 58 Short-paste 951
—, Stragotto 89 Shoulder of lamb a la Montmorency 435
—, Tartar 38 of lamb, grilled 433
—, tomata 21 of mutton, boiled 426
—, truffle 65 of mutton, stuffed 427
—, venison 47 of venison, roast 456
—, whip 99 Shrimp sauce 41
—, white 13 —, potted 946
—, white Bechamel 15 Sicilian biscuits 778
—, white caper 26 Sifter 1027
—, Matelote 87 Sirloin of beef, roast 381
—, white oyster 43 Skate 279
—, white thickening for 10 —, crimped, with brown butter
—, wine, for puddings 98 Sleeper 1020
Sauces, or game soups, mirepoix for 300 Small pastry 782
—, Sausage pudding 511 Smelts, baked 267
Savarin cake 743 —, fried 266
Savoy cake 744 Snipes and woodcocks 659
custard 992D    
dry 904    
sponge 992E