Index - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Snipes, a la bonne-bouche 644 Soup, hare 149
—, potted, Irish fashion 503 —, hodge-podge 157
pudding a l'epicurean 510 —, Italian 182
Soles, boiled 233 —, Italian paste 167
—, fried 234 —, Jardiniere 133
a l'Aurore 238 —, Julienne 132
a la Cardinal 240 —, knuckle of veal and rice 158
a la Colbert 235 —, lobster 169
au gratin 236 —, Lord Marcus Hill's 168
with fine-herbs 237 —, macaroni 165
—, Normande 239 —, mock-turtle 140A
—, fillets of 241 —, mock-turtle, clear 140
—, fillets of, a la Tartare 244 —, Mulligatawney 144
—, fillets of, a la Rouennaise 245 —, ox-cheek 143
—, fillets of, fried 242 —, ox-tail 142
—, fillets of, mayonaise of 935 —, oyster 183
Sore throat, gargle for 1072 —, Palestine 162
—, refreshing drink for 1074 —, pea 150
Sorrel, puree of 119A —, potato 154
Soubise sauce 58 —, prawn 172
Souffle, coffee 818 —, Provencal, or Bouillabaisse 178
—, fruit 819 —, raviolis 167A
—, iced 1052 —, Russian, or Tschi 176
—, omelette 820 —, Spanish 177
—, potato flower 816 —, spring 134A
pudding, Brown & Polson 992A —, spring herbs 175
of rice 817 —, turnip 164
Souffles and omelets 816 —, vegetable marrow 179
Soup, asparagus 152 —, vermicelli 166
—, bonne femme 161 —, Victoria 173
—, brunoise 134 —, white, a la Heine 174
—, calf's feet 147 —, white celery 163
—, Carlton House 139 Soused mackerel 346
—, carrot a la Cressy 153 Spanish cakes, petits-choux 760
—, celery and butter onions 136 —, fashion, rice 307
—, chestnut 180 —, ham, how to dress 452
—, chiffonade 135 puffs 811
—, cocky-leeky 159 salad 373
—, crab 170 soup 177
—, crayfish 171 Sparerib of pork, roast 442
—, D'Esclignac 137 Spinach greening 72
—, duchess 145 with butter 670
—, German 181 —, puree of 112
—, giblet, clear 141 with cream 671
—, giblet, thick 141A Sponge, iced 903
—, green pea 151 —, Savoury 992E
—, grouse 148 Sprains, cure for 1077