pilau, Indian |
327 |
Potatoes a la Creme au gratin |
705 |
—, Turkish |
326 |
—, new, a la Creme |
704 |
Pine-apple, compote of |
899 |
— a la Duchess |
705D |
— cream ice |
1044 |
— a l'Italienne |
705F |
— fritters |
807 |
— a la Lyonnaise |
705A |
— jelly |
844 |
— a la maitre-d'hotel |
703 |
— julep |
1022 |
— a la Provencale |
705B |
— pudding |
828 |
— baked |
705E |
— water |
1037 |
— fried |
706A |
— water ice |
918 |
— mashed |
706 |
— to bottle |
879 |
— croquets |
705C |
— to glace |
881 |
—, puree of |
114 |
Piquante sauce |
22 |
— flour souffle |
816 |
Pistachio, pralines, burnt |
1005 |
— pie |
516 |
Plain pancakes |
821 |
— salad |
705G |
Plombieres ice |
1057 |
— soup |
154 |
Plum cake |
746 |
Potted beef, spiced |
944 |
— pudding |
834 |
— bloaters |
947 |
— sauce |
94 |
— fowl and ham |
940 |
— Orleans, to bottle |
877 |
— hare |
943 |
Poached eggs, with anchovy toast |
710 |
— lobster |
945 |
—, with ham |
717 |
— pheasant |
942 |
Poivrade sauce |
19 |
— shrimps |
946 |
Polish cakes |
795 |
— snipes, Irish fashion |
503 |
— or baba |
738 |
— tongue |
941 |
— fashion for rice |
303 |
Poularde, galantine of |
932 |
Polpetti, Italian |
354 |
Poulette sauce |
36 |
Pomegranate water |
1040 |
Poultry, puree of |
120 |
— water ice |
919 |
—, removes of |
464 |
Poney punch |
1024 |
Pound cake |
750 |
Pooloot, Indian |
328 |
Prawns |
349 |
Poor-man's sauce |
61 |
— soup |
172 |
Pork, chine of |
448 |
Preserve to, Angelica green |
880 |
— chops |
546 |
Preserved artichokes |
965 |
— cutlets |
547 |
— French beans |
959 |
—, curried |
549 |
— lemons |
886 |
—, leg of, boiled |
439 |
— mushrooms |
962 |
—, roast |
441 |
— peas, plain |
957 |
—, German fashion |
440 |
— truffles |
963 |
—, Spare-rib of, roast |
442 |
— vegetables, various kinds of |
957 |
—, how to pickle |
443 |
— Windsor beans |
959 |
Porridge, onion |
160 |
— young carrots |
961 |
Portugal onions a l'Espagnole |
679 |
Preserving and Confectionary |
869 |
Portuguaise fritters |
813 |
Pressed beef |
393 |
Port-wine sauce for wild fowl |
46 |
Prince of Wales' Canapees |
336 |
Posset, cooling, for colds |
992F |
— sandwiches |
363 |
— sauce |
81 |